Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sept 17

Today's dream wasnt good.actually i wasnt going to post it even.i didnt try to remember it even.
Since my parents are coming i think my dream is connected to that.

So the dream goes that me my brother and my dad are living in a basement somewhere.we just got it.i am like 10 and my bro like 12.
We got this cheap basement suite then we noticed alot of weird things happened in the town.we see those people wearing the radioactive suits.then we see the do not cross police ribbon thing

Then i saw in the newspaper that alot of people were getting killed and they were buried in the houses.One day me,my bro and my dad were walking outside and its like the people and houses i saw were all bad and had this weird aura around them.
But yeah boring dream.laters!

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