Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sept 16

I am making this blog to save my dreams.some of them are quite try to write my older ones some other time.
This is for myself just to have a storage somewhere.

Before Sleeping:
I watched a little bit of "Year one" movie and so i think this has a effect on my dream

Last nights dream
Last nights dream was kinda messy.The first part was me going to the other side of the bridge and shouting Im tired of this im going to hell.How do you feel about this now?then the bridge moves to the other side under the bridge was lava.
While saying that God and Satan fell from the sky they both looked like hippies.They were wearing rags and drinking alcohol.
Then satan got up and god said uh huh.
Next scene I am in a mall and satan is destroying it.So you see creatures everwhere.People getting killed and chopped.

Rating of Coolness: Kinda boring but if you were in my dream all the creatures and fighting was good.

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