Monday, September 21, 2009

sept 21

Before sleeping:
i saw a little bit of king i saw that he destroys the big gate and then you see the valley where he lives

The dream starts that im in a airplane with 6 people and then a creature attacks us in what we did was we jumped from the plane in our parachute.we landed on the ground and we didnt die for some then we decided to go home and the fastest way would be use the parachute as a me my brother and my dad too 3 parachutes and other friends said that they wanna walk it (they were attacked by some creatures like parasites and big worm while saying this).walking they say takes like 1 hour from the hidden valley to their house witch is a big city.

so we took the parachute and we glided thru the mountains then we fell and our parachute broke so the villagers helped us fix it.then we glided again till we reached the town.there we had to walk 30 mins to our house or glide again.they all walked i glided

I tried to glide but then i went to the bad side of the town and they said that.My meat is very good and so they want to sell me.i said no i have to go home.
when i reach home everybody was there long time ago.
the end!

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